Welcome to the Municipality of Brockton  Bid Opportunities Website

The following is a list of bid and tender opportunities provided by the Municipality of Brockton. Each bid document provides the closing time and submission instructions. The bid document is the official document. Sometimes the information provided on this website can differ from the information on the bid document; in all cases, the information on the bid document will prevail.

Please view the Municipality’s Procurement Policy webpage for additional information on our procurement policy and processes.

Technical Support:

If you encounter technical issues,  please contact support@bidsandtenders.ca. For questions pertaining to a specific bid opportunity, please refer to the contact details of the Municipal staff member provided in the bid document. 

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Note:  Only documents found on the Municipality's website are to be considered "official".  The Municipality of Brockton accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of information found on other websites.  The onus is on the bidder to check this site to verify they have received all relevant bid information.